
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Little Dude - 14 Months

Age: 14 months

Weight and height: 19 pounds and 29.5" tall.

Wearing size: Size 3 diapers and 12 month clothes. 

Likes: Baths!  He learned how to splash in the bath right before his surgery in March and gets excited when I start getting the bathtub ready for him now.  He loves playing with the big kids and tries to follow them around.  He LOVES being outside and cries when the other kids go outside without him.  If they leave the door open, he'll hightail it over there to try to get outside.   

Dislikes: He begs for food now and hates it when we don't share what we're eating with him.  Because he still chokes easily and can't have dairy yet, we can't always share, but I try to find something on my plate that he can eat.  

Eating habits: His feeding skills have doubled in the last month!  Things he choked on a few weeks ago, he's able to handle just fine now.  He eats EVERYTHING by mouth, and the last time I tube fed him was March 28th!  He passed a swallow study with four different textures and thicknesses with flying colors last week so we have no concerns.  He hardly throws up anymore, and I think his reflux has improved.  He eats three meals and one snack a day and is even using a straw sippy cup!  He usually only drinks 1-2 ounces from it, but the other day, he drank all 5 ounces with no problem so we're on our way to phasing out the bottles.  He loves baby food pouches and I use them to supplement his diet after offering him table foods as he's not always able to eat enough of those in one sitting.
Last month, his GI and allergy specialists okayed him to eat gluten which has been great.  He loves crackers, bread, and pasta and the gluten free versions of those foods had a texture that he often choked on so being able to eat gluten has really opened up a lot of things for him.  We'll be introducing dairy to his diet too soon. 

Sleeping habits: He's been starting to phase out morning naps.  He still needs them about half the time, but I learned quickly that if he fights the morning nap at all, he won't take an afternoon nap so I've been watching his cues more closely to determine if he should lay down in the morning or not.  He hasn't been waking up quite as often at night and is down to 1-2 times.  That's not a big deal because all I have to do is give him back his pacifier. and he goes right back to sleep. 

Milestones: He learned how to army crawl up and over things such as the shelf on our end tables and is able to get up on his knees or into a sitting position when he's propped up a little bit.  Still not crawling on his hands and knees, but thanks to his protective belt and cloth G Tube pads, we've been able to avoid irriation on his tube site lately.  He's able to lean on something and stand for a few seconds at a time if I put him in that position.  He even was able to get himself in a partial standing position (leaning onto the seat of the chair with his legs straight) when he tried to climb up on our fisher price toddler rocker.  He's also turned into a little chatterbox which is adorable even though he doesn't say any actual words yet.  He says "mamama" when he's upset so I think maybe he's referring to me, but I haven't seen conclusive proof of that yet.
Miscellaneous: Around 7-8 months, Little Dude got 6 teeth in all at once and then didn't get any more for a long time.  Last month though, he finally started teething again-10 teeth all at once!  He now has a full mouth of teeth.  It was a little rough for a couple of weeks when he had so many teeth popping through the gums at the same time, but we survived and he's back to his happy self now :)  He has turned into a drool factory though!

Developmentally, Little Dude is still 4-5 months behind, but he's making amazing progress and his fine motor skills are right on track.  His therapists, his doctors, and I are all blown away by how fast he's progressing on some things.  I just have to keep reminding myself that although he's still not even close to walking, he'll get there in his own time.

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I appreciate each of my readers and would love to connect with you on Facebook and Instagram!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Introducing the New Annalie's Baby Boutique Product Line!

I had so much fun coming up with my new product line and am looking forward to adding new prints to it soon!  I will be posting these to Etsy and Instagram tonight and they're already available for ordering on my Facebook page.  There will be some special deals and a giveaway on Instagram and Facebook so be sure to join us over there!

This post is going to be a little picture heavy so without further it is!

Organic knit personalized receiving blankets with your choice of a matching knit hat or headwrap (not shown.)
Can be personalized with any name, colors, font, and choice of graphics

Organic knit personalized heart leggings with your choice of matching hat or headwrap (not shown)
Available in sizes 0-3 Months through 6 years
Can be personalized with any name, colors, font, and choice of graphics Leggings with matching hat or headwrap: $45
Leggings: $40
Set of two headwraps, hats, or mix and match: $24 

Organic knit personalized butterfly circle skirt with your choice of matching hat or headwrap.
Available in sizes 0-3 Months through 6 years
Can be personalized with any name, colors, font, and choice of graphics
Circle skirt with hat or headwrap: $45
Circle skirt: $40
Set of two headwraps, hats, or mix and match: $24 


Sunflowers receiving blanket and matching headwrap or hat (not shown)
Made from a soft stretchy knit so it's perfect for swaddling.
$36 for both
$28 for the blanket
$9 for the headwrap or hat

Arrows knit leggings with your choice of matching hat or headwrap.
Available in sizes 0-3 Months through 6 years
$36 for both
$28 for the leggings
$9 for the headwrap or hat

Colorful birds knit circle skirt with your choice of matching hat or headwrap.
Available in sizes 0-3 Months through 6 years
$36 for both
$28 for the skirt
$9 for the headwrap or hat

So My Sister Got Married...

My baby sister got married yesterday. 

I wasn't invited.

Yes, we're getting along just fine (we went shopping for a dress for her wedding the day before she got married.)  She and her fiance had a very small ceremony at the park with a justice of the peace.  They each had a witness to stand up for them, and both sets of parents were there.  They plan to have a simple reception at a later date to celebrate their marriage with friends and family. 

When she married her husband, my sister followed in the steps of my older sister and me by marrying her first boyfriend. 

They kept their wedding a secret until the last minute from everyone except for a few close friends and family.  The reactions they've received since letting the cat out of the bag have been good overall, but there were a few people who were horrified at the way the wedding was done. 

I'm proud of my sister for doing things the way she wanted to do them and not giving into society's pressure to spend a ton of money on a big wedding.  She and her fiance decided that the most important thing was the marriage, not the wedding, and that's something that gets confused quite a bit nowadays.

Congratulations to my baby sister...I'm still having a hard time believing that she's married now...maybe it's because I didn't get to actually see the wedding?

Anyways, I'm thrilled for her and her new husband and can't wait to see them when they get back from their weekend honeymoon.