
Monday, January 4, 2010

Tum, Tu Tu Tu Tums.

My favorite foods right now.
1. Chocolate
2. Anything with a tomato based sauce
3. Cheese
4. Tums Extra Strength

I have acid reflux disease bad enough that unless I take a daily preventative pill, there is a constant burning in my esophagus. Now, add being pregnant and being taken off my usual medication as it's not safe for pregnant women, to that. Fun times! Tums are my favorite dessert nowadays.

Last Friday (New Years Day to be exact. What a way to start off the new year), I put Princess in underwear and we said goodbye to her diapers. Well, she said "goodbye", I said, "See ya at nap time." She was incredibly thrilled about her Elmo underwear and I stressed how important it was to keep Elmo dry so he wouldn't be sad. Day one was great. She pooped in her underwear in the morning, but that was the only accident. That night as I got ready for bed, I thought about how easy this was going to be. Haha. Day two, she pooped in her underwear once and peed in them 4 times. About 25% of the time, she tells me when she has to go and actually does. Other times, she tells me she has to go, but as soon as I put her on the toilet, she hops off saying, "all done!" The rest of the time, she tells me after the fact by standing in one spot and saying "wet" repeatedly until I tell her to walk to the bathroom, at which point she walks with her legs as far apart as possible without actually falling over.

Is there some magic time when kids just get it and go to the bathroom before peeing in their pants? Or should I put Princess back in diapers until it's time to send her to school? That probably wouldn't go over well as she throws a major fit everytime I put her in a diaper to sleep in. On Sunday, I really didn't want to deal with poopy underwear at church, so I put her in a pull-up. She rebelled by refusing to use the toilet for most of the morning.

So now that Christmas is over, the cardboard boxes have been played with and thrown out, the Christmas cookies are going stale, and the new toys are squeezed in every inch of space there was left in the toy area, I have to start planning birthdays. Hubby's birthday is mid-January, but is almost forgotten in my frantic planning of Princess's party in late-January. Here's a fun bit of trivia: I'll be almost exactly 6 months pregnant on Louise's birthday. The theme for Princess's 2nd birthday is Princess. I'm going to attempt to make her a cake that looks like a castle with the help of ice cream cones. I also made her an adorable pink tutu out of tulle to wear for her party which she is terrified of and refuses to put on. Maybe the promise of presents will help persuade her. :)

Unsolicited Advice:
If at all possible, find someone else to take your child home with them to potty train. Way less mess for you.

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