
Sunday, October 16, 2011

31 Days-Day 16

See this cute little innocent face?

That cute little innocent face is a master of torture.

This dear child didn't sleep well last night.  To really make things interesting, he didn't keep me up all night either though.  Oh no.  From midnight to 4 am, he woke up crying every half hour or so...right after I'd fallen back into a good sleep.  It's one thing to just stay up for several hours at night to comfort a crying child.  It's another thing completely when said child is considerate enough to wait until you've fallen, exhausted, into bed and just started dreaming again before kicking off another round of nighttime unhappiness.  We were not happy campers last night.  No matter what I did, he would not stay asleep.  You'd think I would've gotten smart after the first 5 or so times and would've just stayed awake.  But I was pathetically optimistic that this would be the time he'd stay asleep until morning.  I checked everything possible and the kid did not appear to be sick or injured which kinda irritated me because if you're gonna keep Mama up all night, you better have a good reason to do so.  Because Mama likes her sleep. 

I need to pause here to give Hubby props.  He got up almost half the time with Little Man and was awake as much as I was last night.  And he wasn't half as cranky as I was this morning.

Around 4 am, Little Man finally passed out for the rest of the night and I was able to get a few hours of sleep before getting up for church in the morning. 

Here comes the kicker.  During church, I noticed that Little Man's right ear was crusty and draining fluid.  That's right.  I got served a heaping plate of Mommy Guilt.  The poor baby had had an ear infection during the night.  He's done this about six other times and each time, the only indication that anything was wrong was that he cried a lot during the night.  The next day, I'd arrive at the overdue diagnosis that he had had an ear infection the night before when I realized that his ear was draining.  I'm thinking I need to bring this up at his next well-baby check up.  Bad mommy that I am, I don't see the need to spend $35 to bring him in to the doctor after his ear infection is better.

Changing gears...

What is your zone this week?  Mine is the living room/hallway.  I didn't quite get everything crossed off my list for my zone last week, which was the kitchen, but that doesn't bother me.  I'll just start with that stuff next time. 


  1. Mine is the office girl! Gotta get this boxes unpacked!

  2. Go Shellie! The office can be the toughest room! My "office" is in the living room so I'll be hitting that this week too :)


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