
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

31 Days-Day 25

Today has been a pretty good day.  On Tuesdays, I spend 30 minutes in the weekly zone (the bathroom) and in that 30 minutes, I got everything done on my list for the bathroom except for going through the cabinets.  It makes me feel so happy to see all those little check marks next to my list.  *blissful sigh*

The house was pretty clean, but then while Princess was playing with her "rice pan" she spilled rice all over the kitchen floor.  I have yet to sweep it up, but I have plans to do that during the kids' supper. 

In case you were wondering, a rice pan is a pan filled with rice to play in.  I use a cake pan about half full of rice and some measuring cups, funnels, and miscellaneous toys to play with in it.  When I was growing up, we had a "beach pan" filled with white sand that my mom brought back to Minnesota from when our family lived in Florida for a few years.  We had such a blast playing with that when we were little.  My mother-in-law has something similar for the grandkids to play with at her house.  She filled an under-the-bed plastic container with feed corn (farmers, remember?) and little tractors and shovels.  The kids absolutely love playing in it and since it's a bigger container, several of them can play at once. 

This is an example of a rice play box.  I put mine on top of a cookie sheet when Princess plays with it to make clean up easy. 

Right now, our rice box is plain and boring.  As soon as I remember to buy some more food coloring, I'm going to be dying our rice!  Here's some easy instructions for dying your own.

  I ordered this closet organizer from the Lakeside Collection catalogue to set up next to my sewing machine.  I really need a place to hang clothes when I get done making them plus this rack has lots of shelf space for my overflowing fabric collection.  It came in the mail today so my trusty screwdriver and I assembled it ourselves.  Yay for extra storage space!


  1. White sand from Florida?!?!? How awful! That stuff sticks to everything and gets everywhere! We did great camping all the way down from Minnesota until we hit the Florida border and then we had sand on and in everything! Rice is a good idea, although mine are a little old for that now! Sigh....

  2. Lol, Tricia. It was just a small cake pan filled with the sand and we never had problems with it sticking. Maybe Florida had better sand 20-some years ago :)


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