
Saturday, October 8, 2011

31 Days-Day 8

I'm done with the kids' room!! 
Here's the "before" picture:

And here's the "after" pictures!

Just look at all that carpet!!

Princess's dresses on the top rung (we both have a slight addiction to dresses as you can tell by the 20 or so dresses hanging in her closet) and Little Man's dress shirts, suit jackets, and vests hanging beneath on a closet rung extender.

Isn't it great?!?!

Let's see some before and/or after pictures from some of you!!  You can post them on my blog's Facebook page or email them to

I'm not looking forward to next week...the weekly zone is the kitchen.  Not one of my favorite places to deep clean as I generally run across something that's growing something else.  But, *deep breath* if I stick to what I've been doing, it will never get like that again. 


  1. The kids' room look amazing!! Nice job!! I'll probably post some before and after pictures. Which leads me to....I'll take some pictures now!

  2. Thanks, Betsy! I'd love to see some of your before and after pictures too :)


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