
Thursday, May 24, 2012

You Know You're A Mom When...

My best friend compiled this list and I loved it so much that I asked her if I could share it here.  Being such a sweetheart, she said yes :)  She's also expecting her third baby about a month before I'm due to have mine. 

-You're too exhausted to give baths and decide that a wipe down with a damp rag will work and buy you another day.

- You don't even look when your kid coughs because you recognize the cough and know it isn't a dangerous one.

- You strive for simplicity and realize that it is only a dream.

- You consider anyone getting in and out of a car without having to grab the diaper bag, take out a kid (or two) and worrying about a stroller living such a luxurious life!

- You look in your pocket and find a pacifier.

- You get through a day by eating sugar and praying.

-You get in fights with your hubby over really silly things and then stop and think that what you're really fighting for is control in a world where you feel very out of control.

- T.V is your adult contact for the day.

- You know the ebbs and flows of the day so well, you know when you're entering an easy time or a hard time.

-You finally get time away from the munchkins and you find yourself getting irritated at yourself because you miss them so dang much!!

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook"!  

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