
Monday, June 4, 2012

Things I Never Thought I'd Say

"Don't spit in your aunt's pocket."

"Stay off the roof."

"Stop licking the grocery cart."

"No, we are not going to put a hairbow in your brother's hair for church."

"Hands don't go in the toilet."

"Don't use your fork to comb your hair."

"Peel your banana before you eat it."

"If you're hungry, I'll get you a snack.  Just please stop eating your boogers."

"Why are there cornflakes in your shoe?"

"No, no, no.  Take your old underwear off before you put the new ones on."

"Take your meat out of your ear."

"Please stop throwing yourself against the wall."

"If you can't keep your hands to yourself, I'm going to take them away!"

What strange things do you find yourself saying? 

This post is linked up Growing Up Geeky!

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  1. "Don't lick the soap."
    "Don't lick the soap!"
    "I told you not to lick the soap! Now stop wiping your tongue on my sweater!!"
    And I had to say this IN CHURCH, because my then-two-year-old just HAD to bring his favorite bar of soap to church.

  2. Visiting from TAT. My sons loves to lick the cart too!


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