
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

It was raining the other day so Little Man and I decided to go outside.  I know, I know, what kind of a mother lets her child go outside and play in the rain?  I can hear it now..."He'll catch his death of cold!"  "He'll get pneumonia"  "He'll get struck by lightening."


There was no lightening, it was hot outside and the rain was coming down in a gentle sprinkle.  Besides, one of my favorite memories from childhood was getting soaked outside in the rain and I survived.

Catching raindrops.

Pointing to the clouds to show me where the rain came from.

Sitting on the porch watching the rain fall.
Last weekend, we went to a family reunion on my mom's side of the family.  Here's our gang.  Everyone from our branch of the family was there except for my older sister's husband (who made some lame excuse about having a job or something like that for not being there).

Back Row: My younger brother, Hubby, my youngest brother.  Second Row: My older sister holding her son, my sister-in-law holding her daughter, me (yup, the huge purple one in the middle) holding Little Man, my little sister.  Front Row: My parents holding 5 of the grandbabies. 

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook"!


  1. When my boys were about 3 and 6, I MADE them put their raincoats on and go play out in the spring rain one day and they survived! Great pictures!

  2. Oh nice, I wish had warm rain! When it rains here the temperature drops too low. We practically have to pull out our winter coats! Lol. Looks like he enjoyed himself :)

    1. I've been waiting all summer for rain like this! Up until now, it's been all thunderstorms and cold temperatures when it rains.

  3. Too cute! Nice to get together with family :)


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