
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pregnancy Brain Strikes Again

The pregnancy brain strikes again....

Last night, I made chicken pot pie for supper (something which I haven't attempted since I made one about 8 years ago that turned out awful).  I found the easy recipe here and even made an extra one to freeze for later.  By the way, it was delicious!

Being the glutton for punishment that I am, I asked Princess and Little Man if they'd like to help me make the pot pies.  Naturally, they jumped at the chance.  (Before I had kids, I had visions of fun times cooking with my angelic children.  I was somehow under the impression that it would be an educational, relaxing experience.  If you've cooked with small children, you know that is NOT the case.)  1 can of potatoes all over the floor, 2 spoonfuls of filling on the counter and several smears on Little Man's clothes, and approximately 7 "it's not fair" fights later, we were ready to dump spoon the filling into the pie plates.  As I filled the first pie plate, Princess asked me once again (for about the 18th time) what we were making.  As my mouth formed the words "chicken pot pie" I realized that that was not what it was.  It was a veggie pot pie.  Grabbing two cans of chicken (remember, I doubled the recipe) from the cupboard, I quickly added them to the filling.


Disaster averted.

And, as Hubby is under the impression that food is not food without meat, it would have most certainly been a disaster.

Thank goodness that I let the kids help me with supper even if it didn't fit my pre-kid visions of perfection.

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook"! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I had those same visions of cooking with my children before I actually did it a few times also!


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