
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Introducing the New Kid!

I was going to officially introduce Baby Girl on the blog yesterday, but things were a bit incredibly crazy around here.  First we went to storyhour at the library, then to my sister's house for lunch since we didn't have time to go home before Princess needed to be at preschool.  After I dropped Princess off at preschool, I took Little Man and the baby to an appointment that took almost 2 hours and made me late picking Princess up from preschool.  From preschool, we went straight to Princess's violin lesson (which we were also late for).  While she was at her lesson, I went to the grocery store to buy formula only to discover that the store I was at didn't carry Similac (seriously, people?!?).  Picked Princess up from her violin lesson and went to a different grocery store to finish the grocery shopping and finally went home after being gone for over seven hours!  We walked in the door, and I was feeling considerably overwhelmed (hey, I gave birth just 11 days ago and, as any mother will tell you, sleep deprivation is brutal!).  Little Man immediately started throwing a tantrum over, well, nothing and that was the last straw.  Thankfully, Hubby was still home getting ready to head off to work so I took a few minutes to have a good cry in my room with the door closed before coming out to pass out snacks and turn on my favorite purple dinosaur, Barney.  It's all about survival at this point, folks!

So anyways...

A day late, but here she is!

Introducing Star!

 When we first told Princess she was getting a new baby brother or sister, she told us we had to name the baby "Star."  It didn't make it on the list of name possibilities (especially after the ultrasound said it was a boy!), but I thought it would be perfect to use here on the blog.   

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook"!  


  1. A "Star" is born :) Congratulations again and I hope you get a chance to take it easy and catch up some sleep today!

  2. She looks so much different from the other two kids you had. (She is one of a kind)
    Soooooooooooooo cute!!

    -Auntie Sharalyn

  3. She looks so different (why did I put the word much in there???) I guess I am still sleepy) :(


    1. Her facial expressions remind me of Little Man, but she definitely has her own look!

  4. Precious surprise baby girl! Thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog :)

  5. Aww how sweet! Please tell Princess that she has AWESOME taste in names, because Star is the name I have picked out for my first daughter! :)

  6. Aww how sweet! Please tell Princess that she has AWESOME taste in names, because Star is the name I have picked out for my first daughter! :)


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