
Friday, December 14, 2012


Maybe it's because I had just dropped my four year old off at preschool when I heard the news that so many children were killed today in the school shooting in Connecticut.  Maybe it's because I have three precious little ones who mean the world to me.  Maybe it's knowing that so many parents are going through unimaginable pain due to the loss of their children.  Maybe it's the fact that so many innocent children were exposed to unspeakable violence today.  

Whatever it was, the news that a man had killed over 20 innocent children and adults in an elementary school hit me hard.  I spent most of the afternoon watching the news, checking the internet for updates, hugging my babies, and crying.

I just can't even imagine.  I kept picturing my sweet little girl in a situation like that at her school and it tore me apart.  I've never been so eager to pick her up from preschool as I was today.

As I was putting my kids to bed tonight, it really hit me.  There are parents tonight who won't get to tuck their little ones in and kiss them goodnight because they're gone.  They will go home to empty bedrooms and Christmas gifts that will never be opened.  There are other parents who will be soothing  nightmares and children afraid to go to sleep tonight.

Things like this make you appreciate your family more.  I'd like to end this post with some pictures of my family who mean so much to me. 

Princess decorating the tree

My dad with Star (that's me and my mom in the background)

Beautiful smiles

My grandma with Star

Little Man playing with my baby sister
Spend some extra time this holiday season enjoying time with your family.  You will never get that time back, and you never know when it will be your last chance.


  1. I simply cannot imagine and was also thinking about the parents who had already bought Christmas presents that won't be opened by their children. So incredibly sad. One thing about having school-aged children is that I find myself very careful about how much news they see and hear which in turn limits my viewing of it. What little I did see and hear today made me just sick. Your kids are precious!

    1. I didn't want my kids to see or hear about what happened today either so the tv was only on during naptime and after they went to bed. The rest of the time, I got updates on the internet while they were busy playing. My 4 year old daughter is very sensitive and I know if she hears details, she'll be scared to go to school.


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