
Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Randoms

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This post is linked up at Not Inadequate.

I'm so glad that Little Man has learned the proper usage of "Excuse me".  Because, you know how when you're teaching kids their manners, you say, "Excuse you" to them when they burp or pass gas?  So when they're out with you in public and they burp or pass gas, they look at you and (accusingly, of course) exclaim, "Excuse you!"  And then, no matter how much you try to deny it, nobody believes you when you point to the kid and say, "It was him!"  Ummmm, awkward.

I've come to accept that I will not have privacy in the bathroom for the next few years thanks to small children.  As soon as I close the bathroom door, someone either barges in or bangs on the door repeatedly while screaming like there's a monster standing next to them with fangs bared.  Or, my personal favorite, when Princess body slams the locked bathroom door until it swings open with a bang.
But now, they've taken it to a new level.  I had no sooner closed the bathroom door the other day when I heard little footsteps running down the hallway.  I resigned myself to having company, but instead of coming in the bathroom, Little Man just opened the door and ran back to the kitchen to finish his lunch.  So apparently now, I'm not allowed to close the door.  Period.

Wanna keep a 2 year old busy for over an hour?  Hand him a pair of safety scissors and some scratch paper.  Then keep the vacuum on standby because he's going to cut that paper into such small pieces that it would take you 7 hours just to pick it all up off the floor.  Oh, and hide all important papers in your house because once a 2 year old gets scissor happy, every paper in your house will be shredded within a day and a half.

Armed and dangerous.

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook" and follow me on Twitter!


  1. Oh gosh, the cutting! Sometimes I have to say No, because I just. can't. take it.

    Thanks for linking up! Next time, grab the button so we can TAKE OVER THE WORRRRRLD! (evil cackle font)

    1. There's a button?!? Tell me where it is and I'll add it :)

    2. ahhahahhaa....I can SO relate to the no privacy in the bathroom. My girls have no boundaries and insist on being in the bathroom with my at all times.

  2. That just made me laugh out loud!! So funny! We always say, "Say excuse me!" So I never thought about that!! Ha!!

    1. *Smacks head on desk* Wow, that's just too simple. Definitely switching over to "Say excuse me" with the next kid!

  3. Is the little white pile of scraps behind Little Man his first cutting job?

    1. Yes, it is :) He leaves a trail everywhere he goes now.


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