
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Star's First Road Trip

This weekend, we drove 6 hours, one way, to visit Hubby's sister's family and celebrate a nephew's birthday.  I was a little worried about traveling with a four month old especially since, when the older two were that age, they ended up screaming for at least part of the trip.

Sorry for the blurriness-phone picture taken in a moving car.

Star did awesome.  There was no more than a few minutes of fussing on the way there and less than 20 minutes of total crying on the way home.  She was the happiest when I took her socks off so she could play with her feet.

Little Man is just like his mama.  He's a homebody.  I remember when he was 4 months old and we were gone for a weekend.  One of the worst weekends I've ever experienced, by the way.  He screamed most of the time we were there and most of the 6 hour car ride to and from the relatives' house.  When we got home, I took him out of the carseat and laid him on the living room floor.  He may have been a small baby, but you could see the relief at being home all over his face.  For the first time in several days, he finally relaxed and was happy.

This weekend, I was getting Princess and Little Man ready for bed for our first night there.  When I tried to put Little Man in bed, he protested and declared that he wanted to sleep in his own bed.  I convinced him to go to bed that night, but the next day, he came up to me throughout the day to ask me when we were going home.  The second night was a replay of the first.   However, despite wanting to go home, he did have a good time playing with his cousins.

All in all, it was a good weekend except that I forgot my camera so I missed some good photo ops.  

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook"!  


  1. Sounds like the trip went pretty well.

  2. Aw! Glad she did well! We took a 2-hour trip for Thanksgiving when my little was 4 months, and it was a nightmare. Thankfully when we take trips like that now, he sleeps 85% of the way. :)

  3. Goodness! It is so funny how different kids can be! I am always amazed at what one of my kids likes versus the other. Thank goodness she did so well. =)

  4. Glad she did so well! Oh how I can relate to your son wanting to sleep in his own bed. I can remember a horrible vacation we took when my oldest was about 2 or maybe 3. We were fine until bedtime. Then he, like your son, said I want to go home to sleep and just return the next day. He screamed and screamed until we gave up and drove him around until he fell asleep. Thankfully, he outgrew that!


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