
Monday, April 22, 2013

Random Monday - April 22, 2013

Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a cute children's book about Jonah and the whale!  You can enter to win here.

Did you see my new monthly feature?  Every month, I'm hosting a link-up for giveaways so if you have a giveaway you'd like to promote, you can link it up here.

When we went to visit my sister and her new baby in the hospital last week, Princess got the chance to peek in the nursery and see the babies all lined up in their little plastic bassinets.  Her eyes widened as she asked, "Are these babies all for sale?"

I made a list of all the projects and orders I need to finish this week.  It's really long.  I have a sewing challenge for the Boutique Challenge Auctions page to finish by Wednesday, 3 outfits to make for my son, niece, and nephew who are having a joint 3rd birthday party soon, I have to design a graphic for some shirts for a customer, I have 5 dresses, 2 vests, and 1 tutu to make for customers, and I have to make my son's birthday present (overachiever, perhaps?)  Of course, that list doesn't include silly things such as housework, taking care of the kids, running Princess to and from preschool, and the other usual stuff on my list.  You know what?  I should probably actually get started on some of that stuff instead of writing this post :)  Sorry this one is so short!

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  I'd love for you to like me on facebook" and follow me on Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's cute asking if the babies were for sale :) I have a tween I'd give away for free some days.


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