
Monday, May 6, 2013

Random Monday-May 6th, 2013

Don't forget about the giveaway for the free "Ring the Bell" dvd!  You can enter here.  Also, if you're interested in entering any other giveaways or have one of your own you're hosting, there is a link-up here for giveaway that are running in May.

Last week we went from shorts and sandals to full winter gear just 2 days later.  You know, last week as in the beginning of MAY.  We had a blizzard in May, people.  I wouldn't be honest if I didn't tell you that I didn't start checking out real estate in Florida by day 2 of the snowmegeddon.  I didn't get any pictures of the snow, but here are some from other people in the area.  On Thursday and Friday, school was cancelled and on Thursday, the post office did not deliver mail.  Remember what the USPS's motto is?
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"     
I beg to differ.

I love getting deals.  Really, who doesn't?  I found this brand new with tags Luli and Me smocked romper at the local consignment shop for only $5.  It retails for about $56.  I've been dying to get one of these for Star to wear this summer, but couldn't afford one.  I may or may not have screamed in the aisle when I pulled this off the rack and saw the price tag.

We celebrated Little Man's third birthday on Saturday.  Actually, the spoiled little kid gets two birthday parties this year so this was just the first one.  The second one is next Saturday and will be a joint birthday party for Little Man, my sister's son, and my brother's daughter, who are all turning three within less than 3 weeks of each other.  The one this last Saturday was for Hubby's side of the family so, of course, we went with a John Deere theme.

I made this shirt for Little Man to wear to the John Deere party.

I made this cake for Little Man's party.  He was very annoyed that I put his toys ON the cake.

In the morning, while I was cleaning the house and getting ready for the party, my sister and her husband decided to go garage saling and asked if I would be interested in renting their three oldest kids for the morning.  I declined to pay them money for the opportunity, but offered to babysit instead.  As you can see, the morning went very well:
Princess is standing.  Little Man and my oldest nephew are on the floor.
 Even though I had 6 kids in my small house all morning and some of the afternoon, I still managed to get the house cleaned (it was like brushing my teeth while eating oreos, but I did it!) and get ready for the party.  Little Man basked in the attention, sang along when we sang him "Happy Birthday", thanked everyone for coming (including me) and was overall, the perfect birthday boy.

After he got over his chagrin about the toys on his cake, he loved it.  As you can see from his face, we had pizza for his birthday supper.

Princess caught a cold that started on Sunday and is having problems with her asthma.  At home, I'm pretty confident in being able to handle the nebtreatments and watching her activity level so she doesn't stop breathing or something "fun" like that.  But today, she had preschool.  Leaving my wheezing child with people who aren't familiar with how she works when she's having asthma issues or who don't understand how serious an asthma attack can quickly become, was hard, to say the least.  Maybe I'm paranoid, but I think the paranoia is pretty justified.  I have asthma and have had multiple hospitalizations (including one which involved me being in a coma for 5 days) and have nearly died from asthma attacks many times.  Maybe Princess's asthma isn't as bad as mine, but I'm not taking any chances since I know first hand how quickly things can go downhill when a person's lungs are closing up.  Asthma related deaths are MUCH more common than people realize, but it's incredibly difficult to get people to realize just how dangerous the disease is.  This is one of the things that scared me most about Princess going to school.       

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  I'd love for you to like me on facebook" and follow me on Twitter


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, you are probably the most dedicated librarian ever :)

  2. Love the romper and the shirt. That picture of Princess and the boys is classic. Little Man is such a charmer.

  3. The shirt and cake are adorable! Love them. And love the romper deal too! I'd probably be tempted to Ebay it. :)

    Thanks for leaving your link over at the Thrifty Frugal Mom's FB page....glad to stop by here!

    1. I seriously considered reselling the romper, but it's so adorable that I'm going to keep it for Star :)


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