
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

10 Rookie Parenting Mistakes I Still Make

I've been a mom for 5 1/2 years now.  During that time, I've made a lot of mistakes.  One would think that 5 1/2 years and 3 kids later, I would have learned from my mistakes and would be a little smarter, but...

I have two words for you...Mom Brain.  

Here are 10 rookie parenting mistakes that I still make.  Frequently.  

1. Sweeping the kitchen floor while the baby is still eating in her high chair.  Even if, by some miracle, she doesn't throw all her food on the floor while laughing hysterically, it will rain mushed up food when I take her out of the high chair. 

Read the rest of this post here.


  1. Almost every single mistake you mentioned and more as the boys get older. I like to travel light and that was always tough when they boys were younger. I no longer have to worry abut scheduling errands around nap time but I can't tell you how many times we end up leaving the house right at lunch or dinner time. My other big one is sharing plans with them before they are actually finalized-some day I'll learn to keep my mouth shut until I know for sure.

    1. Leaving around a mealtime is another big mistake I do. It's hard when the baby eats every three hours to avoid that!

  2. Love this. True, no relaxing for this mommy either!!! I put my daughter in her crib with toys while I shower & take the monitor with me. So far so good. But I am sure with time, she will give me probs. lol

    1. Back when I only had 1 child, I used to bring her high chair in the bathroom when I showered and give her a snack to eat to keep her occupied :) It worked until I had baby #2!

  3. I am a complete wimp and beg my mom to come over almost every single day so I can shower in peace. If she enjoys it, I'm not taking advantage right? The last time I showered without her here my 2yo tried to get out the back door. UGH. :(

    1. As long as someone is willing to do it, it's definitely not taking advantage! Besides, you're allowing your child quality time with Grandma :)

  4. yup definitely done all or most of these! speaking of forgetting diapers, once I went to a spray park with a 10 month old and forgot his swim diaper and bathing suit at home. I let him go in with his clothes on and luckily I had an extra regular diaper in the car, so he rode home in just that!

    1. Good thing it was hot out, right? Although if it had been cold, you probably wouldn't have gone to a spray park...


  5. Well, I am a rookie parent and am currently working on my portfolio of mistakes :) My son is only 5 months old and I know that one of these days I'm going to forget diapers or an extra outfit. The dumbest thing I've done recently was not check the lid on one of the bottles, then placed it in the diaper bag where it proceeded to leak EVERYWHERE and soak the extra outfit, burp rag, blankie, and etc. that I had already packed in there :(

    Love this post! I'm sure I will experience each of those "mistakes" at least once in my future parenting journey :)

    1. Yeah, I've had the same thing happen with bottles a few times with my third baby. Kind of annoying to get somewhere and realize that everything in the diaper bag is soaked, right?!?

  6. You definitely made me laugh! I've been a mommy for 6 months now and I always seem to think that he will never need his spare outfit - so I just pack a shirt! Today he had a blowout at church and the nursery caregiver put on a spare pare of shorts that they had there. So embarrassing! I now have a complete spare outfit in my bag!


    1. LOL, I do that too...just pack a shirt instead of a full outfit. Chances are that if the shirt needs to be changed, the pants will too!

  7. Hi! I found your post through the Babies & Beyond link up and I'm so glad I did! I have to say number 6 cracked me up the most... that suspicious Mommy radar starts twitching when it's too quiet, I get it. :) We're expecting our first this November so delving into a few Mama reflections of others is beyond valuable (and yet I'll still make many of my own rookie mistakes I'm sure - possibly even the same ones knowing my brain!)

    If you get a chance please do check out my blog too. Pregnancy musings, tips, DIY tutorials and more! Thanks so much for sharing! I'll be back to check out more posts! :) Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and congratulations on the upcoming birth of your first baby! So exciting :) I'll be sure to stop by your blog.

  8. I love your list! After 11 years of parenting, I'm still making the same mistakes!!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up at the Babies and Beyond Link up!

    I'm featuring your post in next week's link up! I'll hope you'll stop by again!

    1. 11 years? So there's no hope for me then, LOL. I'll definitely be stopping by your blog! Thanks so much for featuring me (in advance)!

  9. I'm laughing out loud! This is hilarious, and yes, I've made those same mistakes this week! "Sometimes it's like I don't even use my brain." hahahaha!!!!


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