
Monday, August 19, 2013

Random Monday-Aug 19, 2013

Lately when Little Man trips and falls, he gets very upset with me and accuses me of pushing him down even if I'm not in the same room as him.  It's a little embarrassing when we're out in public and he falls down and starts crying and yelling at me, "Mommy, you pushed me! Why did you do that?"  Um....I wasn't even touching you when you tripped BY YOURSELF.

It cracks me up when Little Man points at something because instead of using his pointer finger like everyone else does, he points with his pinky.

We had VBS at our church last week.  I helped out in Little Man's class and my sister watched Star for me at her house.  The kids loved VBS and were really disappointed that it ended on Friday, but I was exhausted after a long week and the kids were too because they got to bed late every single night.  Especially since the two big kids absolutely wouldn't nap at all the entire week.

Even though the news is already out, I had some fun taking pictures of Star in her new "big sister" shirt from Heather Rogers' Designs on Etsy.  She has the cutest expressions :)

"Just sitting here looking cute and minding my own business."

"What's this you say? I'm going to be a what?"

"A big sister?!?!  Really?!?!"

"Best news ever, Mommy!"

Don't forget about the giveaway to Annalie's Baby Boutique over at Oodles of Blessings, the blog I write with my two sisters!  It ends tomorrow so be sure to enter asap :)


  1. Whoa, congrats! I missed your announcement post somehow. How exciting!!

    I loveeee Heather Rogers' Designs! We had similar owl shirts made when Addie was born last fall. :)

    1. Thank you! I got shirts for the older 2 kids from Heather Rogers when I was expecting Star so I thought it would be fun to get her a matching one. Incidentally, Princess and Little Man's shirts should still fit them when baby #4 is born which might indicate that #3 and #4 are a little too close together, LOL.

  2. :) Stars expressions are adorable! I like your interpretation of what she is thinking.

    1. Thanks! I'm sure that's exactly what she was thinking :) I only took about 6 pictures total so I thought it was hilarious that those 4 were the best ones.

  3. She is SO CUTE! Love her facial expressions!!!!! :)

  4. I absolutely LOVE this blog post, I especially LOVE stars expressions and what little man does, so cute. -SHARALYN ANDERSON.


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