
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Baby #4 - 39 Weeks

I'm free-styling my pregnancy update today because I just don't think I can fill in another of those questionaires right now.  Also, no picture because...just no. 

Sometime at about 38 1/2 weeks, I hit the Pregnancy Wall.  You know, the point in the pregnancy where you say to yourself, "I'm officially done.  I can't do this anymore.  This kid has got to get out now!"  Except the baby didn't get the memo and is happily staying put with no intentions of going anywhere.  So, I'm still pregnant.  The worst part is that I know that realistically I could have another 3 weeks left.  3 weeks is an eternity when you're so big that your stomach bumps into EVERYTHING, you are having constant, but useless contractions, you're pretty sure you're a candidate for a double hip replacement, you can't bend over due to an inflamed ligament in your stomach, and you are down to only four shirts in your closet that still cover The Belly.

I finally bit the bullet and packed my hospital bag yesterday.  I'd made the packing list last week, but hadn't gotten around to actually doing anything about it yet.  I think I was subconciously hoping that being unprepared might send me into labor a little early, but no such luck.  When I go to the birthing center to have the baby, the three older kids will be staying with my in-laws.  My mother-in-law takes a week off of work whenever a new grandbaby is born so she can help out which is really great.  However, I haven't packed for the kids yet because none of them have enough clothes to have 5 days worth of clothes packed in a suitcase while still leaving them enough in their closets to wear until then.  But, if I go into labor on my own, I'll have enough time to throw some things together for them (and I briefed my MIL on where to find anything I might forget) and if I get induced, I'll know the date in advance so will be able to pack the night before.  So I'm really not too worried about that. 

I missed my OB appointment last week because we had a serious blizzard up here in the Midwest.  My doctor's office was even closed because so many roads were shut down that people couldn't get to work.  My next appointment is this Thursday, and Princess has an orthodontist appointment the same day to be fitted for an orthodontic appliance to correct her cross bite (incidentally, I received a payment book today from the orthodontist for the next 10 months and a bill for the initial payment of over $, yeah I'll just write a check out for that, no problem...).  My younger sister will be watching the two younger kids at my house so it'll just be me and Princess and we're going to have a much needed Mommy-Daughter day which I'm looking forward to.

Anyways, I think I've rambled enough for now.  I'll leave you with a link to my list of pros to being pregnant and overdue.  Leave a comment if you have anything to add to that list because I could really use some pros right now! 


  1. #6: You'll need less baby clothes, because baby won't fit into that newborn size anyhow.
    #7: Vernix becomes a non-issue.

    That's all I've got. I'm counting down the days myself, having been overdue with my last three after being early with my first three. Maybe, just maybe, you'll have a reverse experience and go early this time around. Word to the wise: don't get your hopes up. It makes the days that much longer. Ugh, I know.

    1. I let myself get my hopes up last time thanks to EVERYONE telling me that they were 100% sure that I wasn't going to make it to my due date. This time, I didn't even tell people my due date-just that the baby will be here by mid-March sometime :)

  2. new follower saying hello! :) I'm hoping to go early too!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Congratulations on Baby #2 and I can't wait to see if it's a girl or a boy :)

  3. You sound very ready to have that baby :) I'm a bit behind on my blog reading...hope you had a wonderful lunch and didn't have to get out in the latest blizzard (unless it was to have your baby ;)

    1. Definitely ready, but I'm thankful that I haven't gone into labor during a time when we wouldn't have been able to get to the hospital :) Hopefully the weather will cooperate from here on out.


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