
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Prayers Needed

On Wednesday, I took Little Dude in to see the doctor again (third time this week) and he'd lost another ounce despite me working with him almost constantly to try to get him to eat.  She called the pediatricians she's been consulting with on his case and it didn't take long for them all to decide that he needed to be hospitalized so we could figure out what's going on with him.  Hubby was sleeping because he was working the night shift that night so I scrambled for a last-minute babysitter for the three older kids before heading to the Mayo Clinic with Little Dude.

In the past month, we've tried 5 or 6 different bottles and nipples, 3 different formulas, different feeding positions, Zantac, etc. and nothing's helped so far.  He'll start sucking on the bottle, but will quickly pull away and start crying.  We have to calm him down with a pacifier before trying the bottle again, at which point, he'll do the same thing.  This can go on for over an hour.  Eating has become so unpleasant for him that he's to the point where he's showing very little interest in eating and, if we don't constantly push him to eat, he'll easily go 8+ hours without eating.  He's been averaging 9-10 ounces of formula in a 24 hour period which isn't nearly enough for a baby his age and size.  

Little Dude really likes the mobile on his hospital crib

So far, he's got all the doctors stumped.  He's seen GI doctors and an Occupational Therapist and will be seeing an ENT soon as well.  Today, he had a swallow study done which he did really well at and tomorrow he's having a GI study done.  The first night we were there, his nurse and I took turns working with him all night to get him to eat and we actually managed to get a good amount of food in him.  Today though, he hasn't been eating much again no matter how much we try and if he keeps that up, he'll be getting an NG tube.

Our family could really use prayers right now.  We need to figure out what's wrong with Little Dude and get him eating so he can grow.  The three older kids have had a rough two months as well because I have to focus on Little Dude so much that I barely have time to take care of their basic needs let alone spend any quality time with them.  I miss my kids and I hate that I constantly have to find babysitters for them or send them to Grandma's house for a night or two while we're dealing with Little Dude.  Add to all of this the fact that we moved two weeks ago and there's a great deal of stress on all of us.  

Anyways, Hubby is staying at the hospital with Little Dude tonight so I could come home and get some sleep.  It's already 10:30 so it's time to go to bed so I can get up in the morning and be back at the hospital before the doctors go on their rounds.


  1. Hi, I'm a friend of your Grandma Dorothy and Aunt Terri from their church...I don't pretend to know what's going on, but had a niece and great-nephew who had cleft palates and I wondered if you've tried feeding his bottle while he's sitting upright rather than laying down? Meanwhile, I'm praying for wisdom for the doctors and for God's love to surround you all while you're away from your family and for little Levi's body to heal!

  2. Oh no!!! Prayers, friend! Prayers!


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