
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Goals for 2015

I don't set New Year's Resolutions, but I do have some goals I'd like to work on this next year.

Personal goals:
1. Lose weight and get in shape
  • Exercise 4 times a week
  • Watch portion control
  • Cut back on the amount of soda I drink.  I used to never drink soda, but during my pregnancy with Little Dude, I had major cravings for it all the time and still haven't kicked the habit.
2. Read books and watch movies from my must read/see list.  I have a Pinterest board I add books and movies to whenever I hear about them so I won't forget them later.  The problem is that I never remember to check my Pinterest board.

3. I'm not the world's best cook, but I have quite a few easy--to-make recipes I've developed since getting married (and especially since having kids.) that I'd like to put into a cookbook, partly for my own use, but also to sell as an E-book.  I'd like to have it done by 2016.

1. I'd like to be earning $500 a month by the end of the year or earn at least $5000 this year. 

2. Save money.  I tried doing the 52 week money saving challenge last year, but never had the right amount of cash at the right time so I gave it up a couple of months into it.  Instead, anytime I end up with a $5 bill, I put it in my change jar.  I only started doing that a few months ago, but if I do it for all of 2015, I should be able to save up a decent amount of money.  Don't tell Hubby, but I'm saving up for a trip for our 10th anniversary in 2016.  
3. I have a whole list of money saving tips that I plan to start incorporating into our daily life.  I'll publish a post of the list soon.

1. Make at least 3 pieces of clothing for each child.  I barely had time to sew anything in 2014 and I really miss being able to make things for my kids.
2. Do attitude charts with the 2 oldest kids.  An attitude chart is basically an empty chart.  Everytime a child has a good attitude about cleaning up his or her toys, getting ready for bed, etc, he or she will get a sticker on their chart.  When the chart is filled up, they get to pick out a toy at the dollar store. 
3. Do a marriage challenge.  I don't have one picked out yet, but I'm thinking of possibly doing the Love Dare.  Do you have something you could recommend?
4. Do character building with kids.  Each week, we'll focus on another character trait from the list.  My sister also plans to do this with her kids.
5. Have 1 tv-free week a month.  This doesn't apply to Hubby as I know he'd never go for it, but the kids will be doing it.  I tried it a few times this year and it helped to "reset" their attitudes about watching tv.

2. Keep the house reasonably clean by continuing to use the Motivated Moms app.

What are your goals or resolutions for 2015?

1 comment:

  1. Sewing some things for me too? I need to work on organizing too. What is the challenge.


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