
Friday, October 21, 2011

31 Days-Day 21

Can you believe how close we are to the end of the 31 days already?  Only 10 days left!

Today, I'm going to share some cleaning and organization tips I use.

The cardinal rule of a clean house: Pick up after yourself.  And if you have to, pick up after family members too.  I do expect Princess to clean up after herself most of the time, but Little Man is still figuring this stuff out and Hubby, well...I've pretty much given up on that idea, so I do clean up after "the boys"

If you have little girls, put a shoe bag over their bedroom door and use it to store and organize their hair accessories.

On that same thought, just go ahead and buy an over-the-door shoe bag for each door in your house.  Keep shampoo, soap, etc. in the one in the bathroom.  Organize belts, scarves, and accessories in the bedroom shoe bag.  Hang one up in the pantry to store snacks, spices, etc.  Put an extra door in your craft room just so you can hang several in there as they're the perfect way to organize ribbons and other crafting supplies.
Go here to see other uses for over-the-door shoe bags.

Keep a dry erase/corkboard on your refrigerator to write down what you're out of while you're still thinking of it.  Or, if you don't want to have to transfer the list over to a piece of paper that you can take with you to the store, type up a list of what you usually keep in the pantry with some blank spaces for other things.  Then just print it off and keep a fresh list on your refrigerator so you can check things on the list as you see the need.  Below is an example.  

That's it for today!  Keep up the good work :)

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