
Saturday, October 22, 2011

31 Days-Day 22

So according to my control journal (that nifty 3 ring binder book with all the lists that we put together at the beginning of the month), Saturday is the day to clean out the van and my purse.  I did clean out my purse, but the van...not so much.  I had a craft show today (and one last Saturday, and another one next Saturday) so the back of my van is full of my boutique stuff.  But I did pick up the garbage and toys that had accumulated in the van over the last week.  So I guess it is clean, just not empty.  I didn't get a chance to finish my list of chores for my weekly zone, but I got most of it done and, although tomorrow starts another week, I do plan on doing a few more things on the list for the living room.

Technically, starting tomorrow, my weekly zone is the bathroom.  This one will be pretty easy which is good because I have about 8 tutus, 14 pairs of ruffle pants, 10 ruffle skirts, a skort, 6 applique shirts, 2 dresses, and 2 pairs of bloomers to make next week.  And, crazy as I am, I'm looking forward to all that sewing because I seriously love doing it.  I just wish I had more time in the day.  I know other work-at-home moms stay up late every night to work after the kids go to bed, but that's really not my thing.  First of all, I kinda like spending time with Hubby.  Shhhhhh, don't tell anyone, but I, like, have a major crush on him.  Secondly, I need sleep.  And lots of it.  If I don't get at least 7 hours a night, I crash and burn.  And it's not pretty.        

The reason the bathroom will be an easy room to deep clean is because I deep cleaned it last month when I actually started using my control journal.  Yes, I know.  I cheated.  I should've started the same time everyone else did, but I had no idea I was going to be doing the 31 Day blog challenge until...34 minutes before I published my first post.  So no Before and After pictures of the bathroom (like you'd want to see them anyways, right?), but I will post some pictures of my clean shiny bathroom next week anyways so you can see what yours will look like when you're done.     

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