
Monday, September 24, 2012


I went in for my 41 week checkup today which included a non-stress test, ultrasound and cervical check.

We started with the ultrasound to measure the amniotic fluid.  It's definitely a boy and he's got lots of space to move around and plenty of fluid to swim in.

Then the non-stress test.  If you don't know what that is, it's where the mom-to-be has two monitors strapped to her belly, one to measure baby's heartbeat and one to measure contractions.  She's given a button to push every time the baby moves.  We passed it with flying colors since Baby Boy woke up very active during the ultrasound and continued to be a wiggle worm during the rest of the appointment.

And finally, the depressing part.  I've been having tons of painful contractions and cramping for two weeks now.  I kinda thought that might mean things were moving right along towards labor.

Guess what?

I'm one centimeter dilated and 0% effaced.  That's it.  All those contractions, all that painful cramping and that's all I get.

I stopped for Reese's peanut butter cups on the way home.

On the way out of the clinic, Hubby made a comment about me having some control over when I go into labor and I just need to "work" on it.  Have I mentioned that this is our third child?  One would think he'd understand how this process works by now.  But I did forgive him because he let me drag him to JoAnn Fabrics after the appointment. 

Oh, and my induction is scheduled for Thursday morning.  I AM having a baby this week!  Period!!!!


  1. Glad your induction is scheduled and that you get to meet your little guy. I'm at my due date tomorrow and bought Reese's peanut butter cups to eat tonight too to wallow in sorrow. Didn't get to go to JoAnn's though. Can't wait to see pictures.

  2. AHH chocolate is so my self-medication for the pregnancy :-) What type of induction are you going with?

    1. The doctor said she'll put cytotec on my cervix to bring on labor. Same way I was induced with my first baby.


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