
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How I Feel About Being Induced

Let me just start by saying that no matter how a baby gets here, the only thing that really matters is that he or she is here.

But just the same, I'm really bummed about having to be induced on Thursday to get this little guy out.

First of all, I was induced at 42 weeks gestation with Princess.  Her induction ended with a forceps delivery, serious tearing, and a hematoma that scared the nurses.  It was traumatizing, both physically and mentally, and it took me several months to recover.  I'm pretty sure it contributed to the postpartum depression that left me feeling like I was in a fog for the first 6 months of her life.

With Little Man, I went into labor naturally 6 days after my due date.  I labored at home for several hours before waking Hubby up to go to the hospital.  Despite the usual pain associated with giving birth, it was a wonderful experience.  One that I was hoping to repeat this time around.

I had high hopes during this pregnancy.  I mean, if my body cooperated last time, then surely it had figured out this whole giving birth thing and would do its job on its own again, right?  It didn't help that during the last month, everyone I have run into was very positive that I would be going into labor soon.  You hear something enough and you start to believe it.  And then there were all the painful contractions and the almost constant cramping in both my stomach and back.  You know, the things that usually precede labor.

But, if you read my last post, then you know that all of that pain and hopeful thinking got me to 1 centimeter dilated and 0% effaced as of yesterday.

Yes, I know things can change very quickly when it comes to labor and delivery.  And, I know that I still have 2 days before my scheduled induction which means a chance to go into labor naturally.  And, I know that this induction may not be anything like the last one.

But right now, I'm 41 weeks and 2 days pregnant, crazy hormonal since the day I got pregnant, and have been miserable and feeling like I'm on the verge of labor for the last month.  Plus, I know at least nine women (some friends, some family, some fellow bloggers) who were also due right around my due date and with the exception of the one who is due today (hope your little one is more cooperative than mine, Victoria!), they've all had their babies, some weeks ago. 

And here I sit, still pregnant and feeling sorry for myself.  I'm sure that tomorrow I'll feel better, but scheduling the induction was such a let-down that I need a day to process the disappointment.

On a completely unrelated note (haha), watch the blog on Friday or Saturday for a special announcement!      

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook"! 


  1. Sending you LOTS of labor dust! Come on baby, it's time to come out and play!

  2. You don't *have* to be induced if you don't want to be (I'm not saying you shouldn't be if that's what you want!), but you can decline and opt for extra monitoring if you are happy with that and the baby is doing well. It's your body, have done with it what you are happy with :) Hope you go into labour soon or that you have a smooth induction :)

    1. If it were up to me (which it should be, I know!) I would wait until at least Monday to be induced which would put me at 42 weeks, 1 day. However, I'm getting quite a bit of pressure from relatives (there are several traveling 6 hours this weekend to see the baby), including Hubby, to hurry up and "get it done". Most can't understand why I waited this long to be induced. Yes, I know it should be my decision, but sometimes...

    2. Oh I'm sorry you're getting so much pressure from other people, that's really awful :( There is always the option of lying to relatives and saying the hospital don't have room for you until next week. I wouldn't normally condone lying, but I would in that situation! I really hope everything goes well and labour starts for you soon, the stress can't be easy to cope with :( Sending labour vibes and hugs your way :)

    3. Oh blondie = sarah, I don't know how I managed to post using different accounts!

    4. Hubby came with me to last appointment so lying about when the hospital can get me in isn't really an option :) He was disappointed that I didn't schedule it for the next day!

  3. I agree with Sarah. You do not have to be induced if you want to wait it out awhile. I have a friend who was scheduled to be induced, but cancelled her induction, opting to give it a few days. They scheduled another induction and she cancelled that one, too. She ended up having her baby at 42 weeks, 1 day. I know that's not something you want to hear, but our body's do know what they're doing and the baby will come. On a different note, I've never been induced, but twice they scheduled me for an induction and I went into labor on my own at the last minute!

    1. If it were up to me (which it should be, I know!) I would wait until at least Monday to be induced which would put me at 42 weeks, 1 day. However, I'm getting quite a bit of pressure from relatives (there are several traveling 6 hours this weekend to see the baby), including Hubby, to hurry up and "get it done". Most can't understand why I waited this long to be induced. Yes, I know it should be my decision, but sometimes...


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