
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

I hope you all had a good Easter today!  Ours started out kind of iffy with Little Man waking up on the wrong side of the bed and throwing several tantrums before we left for church at 9 am.  After he had a large scooop of fruit, 1/2 a doughnut, 2 glasses of orange juice and 2 enormous Mickey Mouse pancakes at the church's Easter breakfast, his mood improved considerably.

After church, we went to my in-law's for dinner/lunch/the noon meal (Hubby and I disagree over the term for this).  Star enjoyed sharing my mashed potatoes and orange pudding salad and the other two wolfed down their food so they could search for Easter eggs in Grandma's living room.

Like I have for the past few years, I made the kids' Easter outfits.  Well, technically I only made the girls' outfits this year, and Little Man just got a new tie to match the girls. 

Here are the girls' outfits for this year...
Taffeta pintucked bubble dress

Because I knew it would be cold (it was!), I made velvet boleros for the girls to wear over their dresses.

Little Man got a pink necktie made from the same pink taffeta I used for the dresses.  Hubby wasn't overly thrilled with his son wearing pink to church today, but I reminded him that I've seen several guys at our church wearing pink ties or dress shirts.  It was kind of ironic that the first man to walk into church after we arrived, was wearing a pink shirt :)  

My kidlets!

I love Star's face in this picture!!

Did your kiddos get new outfits for Easter?

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

What's in the Easter Basket?

I'm kind of a bad mom.  I don't go all out on holidays because I know the kids will be getting a lot of candy and gifts from relatives.  Maybe that actually makes me a good mom?  I don't know.

Either way, this is what my kiddos are getting in their Easter baskets this year.  I use the term "Easter basket" loosely since I don't actually have baskets for them and plan to just arrange their gifts on the fireplace hearth (lame moment alert-I had to google that because I couldn't remember what it was called.  I kept thinking mantle, but that's on top of the fireplace.  I'm so shmart.)  Don't worry, I'll stick a post-it or something with their name above each pile lovely grouping of gifts so they'll know whose is whose.  This should especially be helpful to 6 month old Star since she's been busy reading War and Peace in her crib at nights and appreciates all the extra practice reading she can get. 

This is the "joint gift pile".  The egg shaped marshmallows will be shared by all (except Star, of course).  I won the Veggie Tales dvd at a giveaway on the Our Journey blog and was thrilled that it arrived in time for Easter!

 In case you couldn't tell, this is Star's pile of Easter goodies.  She's getting a couple of Carter's bibs and "shoe socks" from Target and a small doll from Tansy Dolls.  I won a $50 gift certificate to Tansy Dolls from a giveaway at Forty Toes Photography and was able to get a small gift for each one of the kidlets for Easter. 

Little Man's loot.  He's realllllly into cutting up paper and coloring so I got him his own pair of safety scissors (he's been using Princess's) and some Crayola Twistables crayons.  The sweet little robin is from Tansy Dolls.

Princess is in need of some new hair supplies (after 4 years, she's finally running out of hair elastics!) so I got her some hair elastics, glitter barrettes, and a hairbrush and comb set.  The cute little doll is from Tansy Dolls.

What are your kids getting in their Easter baskets?  Link up your blogpost here!

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Mama's Getting Tough

It's time for some changes around here.  I'm done listening to the seemingly constant whining and tantrums.  I'm done arguing for half an hour with kids who need to learn to take no for an answer.  I'm done telling kids 908 times to be quiet and just go to sleep already.  I'm done with the backtalk and the sassy attitudes.

Obviously, what I'm already doing to stop these behaviors isn't working so it's time to try some new tactics.

So here's the plan.

We will be practising the "Obedience Game" several times a day.  The Obedience Game is where I randomly throughout the day tell a child to do something such as come over to where I am, jump up and down, sit down, etc.  If they obey immediately with a good attitude, they get a big hug from me.  If they don't, then no hug.  The kids love this game and ask to play it.  I haven't played it consistently with them though.  Now it's going to be a part of our everyday life.  Obedience is not just about listening to parents, it's about safety.  I can't tell you how many times I've had to run out into the street to grab Little Man.  When I tell a child to "come here" or "stay there," it's very important that they obey immediately!

I printed off a copy of our family rules and posted it where the kids can see it everyday.  No, they can't read yet, but it'll be good for Hubby and me to be able to see it. Also, being able to point to a rule when a child is misbehaving is like having backup on the discipline front.

Family rules list

In conjunction with the family rules, I cleaned out two baby food jars and wrote each of the kids' names on one.  In the morning, I put 10 marshmallows (or chocolate chips, or any small treat I have on hand) in each jar and put them on the counter near the printout of the family rules.  If a child breaks a rule, I take them to the jar, tell them which rule they broke and how, and take one marshmallow out of their jar.  Then we talk about how they can handle the situation correctly the next time.  After supper, they can have whatever is left in their jar.
*Update: I have since changed the number of treats in their jar to 5 instead of 10.  If they do something really nice without being asked (cleaning up, being kind to a sibling) they can earn a treat for their jar.  At bedtime, if they haven't had any treats taken away, they can put an extra sticker on their nightime sticker chart (see below).

I found printable habit charts at Raising Arrows and printed off one for each of the two older children.  The habit that we're working on right now for each one is learning to go to sleep at night instead of goofing off and keeping each other awake for hours while getting out of bed every 2 minutes to see if it's time to get up yet.  If they go to sleep quietly and quickly the night before, they get a sticker on their chart in the morning.  When the chart is full, they'll get to pick out a special prize.  I have no idea what the prize will be yet, but I'm thinking something small from the dollar store or I'll reward them with some special time with me or Hubby.

*Overall update: These changes have been working well so far! Little Man is only 2 and hasn't quite got the concept of the nighttime sticker chart, but Princess has.  When she lays down and goes right to sleep at night, it cuts his shenanigans short too. He copies everything she does so if her behavior improves, his automatically does too.

So what do you think?  Any suggestions?  I'd love to hear what works for your family!

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Good Bye Google Reader

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

In case you haven't heard, Google Reader is officially closing down in July.  Personally, I never used Google Reader and prefer to keep up with my favorite blogs via my blogger dashboard.  However, those blogs are all followed via Google Friend Connect.  Is that going away too?  I don't know and I don't want to risk losing all my favorite blogs if it is. 

So I finally took the leap over to Bloglovin.  I've heard a lot about it and it's all been good.  It was incredibly easy to open an account and import all of the blogs I follow via GFC.  The whole process only took a few minutes total (and I follow a lot of blogs!) 

Head on over to Bloglovin and check it out for yourself.  See you there!

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  I'd love for you to like me on facebook" and follow me on Twitter!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Star's First Cereal

Star has had ice cream, applesauce, and mashed potatoes thanks to a certain grandpa and grandma so I was a little nervous about how plain old boring rice cereal would be received by her.

"I'm not sure I really want to open my mouth for this..."

"Hmmmmmm.  This is different."

"I think I"ll have another bite."

She loved it.  LOVED IT.  When Princess tried cereal for the first time, she reluctantly ate a few bites and was done. Little Man was a little more enthusiastic, but didn't eat very much either.  Star wolfed down the whole bowl (all one tablespoon of it) and would've eaten more if I had it.  She laughed each time I gave her another bite.

" I love this stuff!"

Little Man saw how much Star loved the cereal so he asked for a bite too.  Somehow, it just didn't taste the same as he remembered.

Nope, not very good at all.
"Do you mean to tell me that it's all gone?!?"

And to put a smile on your face, here's a video of Star chowing down.

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Random Monday-March 25th, 2013

I survived my first craft show in over a year.  Last year, just as the spring craft show season was starting, I was throwing up and being sick all the time, plus I couldn't carry all the heavy boxes.  Yeah, pregnancy will do that to a girl.  When the fall craft season started, I was 9+ months pregnant and then I had a newborn (yes, those two things are related) so I took a whole year off from doing craft shows.  As much as I hate having to set up and tear everything down and take 18 trips to and from the car to load/unload everything, I LOVE doing craft shows and I really missed them during my 1 year hiatus.
I made $60 at last weekend's show which covered my table fee and my gas money (but not the yummy cupcakes I bought from another vendor) so it really wasn't worth my time, but I still had fun getting back in the craft show business.

Do you remember in my last week's Monday Randoms post when I said that it was time to move Star out of the cradle beside my bed?  *sob*  She is officially sleeping in the pack n' play in my room now.  I was expecting her to look tiny in the pack n' play, but she really doesn't.

I still haven't started the kids' Easter outfits.  I still have 6 whole days, right?  If you want to find me next Saturday night at 11 pm, I'll be sucking down caffeine and sewing like a madman so I can be all nonchalant and cool when someone asks me where I got my children's Easter outfits.  "Oh, I just whipped them up."

Star still hasn't figured out how to roll over from her back to her tummy.  Instead, she can be found doing this most of the time...

My mother said she likes the kids' names as is on the blog so I won't be changing them.  After all, I always listen to my mother.  Right, Mom?

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blooper Reel

We all have them...those blackmail blooper pictures that didn't quite make the family album, but were just too funny to throw out or delete.  Here are some of my favorites:

Princess at about 5 months old. Apparently, my camera flash was a little too bright for her.

The cousins! Princess and the 2 cousins who are her age in in the back row when they were all two years old.  Little Man and the 2 cousins who are his age are on the couch when they were all just a few months old.  It was a "fun" photoshoot.

Little Man was propped in a sitting position next to his cousin, but fell over just as I took the picture.

Little Man was terrified of the photographer.  Princess's expression pretty much sums up the photoshoot.

Princess and Little Man were doing a photoshoot for my website and Little Man was DONE with pictures.  Princess tried to keep him from running away, but didn't quite succeed.

Another product photoshoot gone wrong with Little Man.  He's just not into the modeling like his big sister.

This was about the 378th picture taken of the kids when they came to visit me and Star in the hospital.  By that time, they'd had it with cameras.  Little Man looks like he'd rather be just about anywhere else, Star was worn out from looking so cute, and Princess's face was so tired from smiling that she had to use her hand to hold her cheeks in a smile.  Also, isn't the floating baby thing just a little creepy?

Little Man enjoying (?) a piece of pizza.  I still have no idea what prompted that expression.

Did you come up with any captions for these pictures?  I'd love to hear them!  Share them in the comments and they may get featured on the blog.

This post is linked up at Growing Up Geeky

 Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook" and follow me on Twitter!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Random Monday-March 18th, 2013

About a month ago, Princess threw up on my bed, 5 minutes after I'd put clean sheets on it.  On Saturday night, I changed the sheets on her bed which is akin to wrestling an alligator since she has the top bunk.  The next morning, she threw up on her bed.  I'm seeing a pattern here...

I'm having Star's 6 month pictures taken on Thursday.  Be prepared for an overload of baby cuteness later this week.

Speaking of Star being 6 months old...HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?  I noticed that she's starting to outgrow the cradle by my bed and it makes me sad that I have to move her to the crib in the kids' room soon.  I'm not ready for my baby to be that big already.

I'm thinking of changing my kids' blog names to more realistic names.  Something just irks me about calling my oldest "Princess" like she's a puppy or a spoiled entitled child.  Their new names would probably be Katie, Nano, and Anna if I change them since those are spin-offs of their real names.  What do you think?  Yay or nay? 

This morning, Little Man put on his coat, hat, scarf, and boots and informed me that he was going to the store to buy chocolate cookies, vitamins, and pizza.  Mean mommy that I am, I refused to give him the car keys.

It has come to my attention that Easter is in less than 2 weeks and I haven't even started my kids' Easter outfits.  I've made their outfits the last 2 years in a row and would like to keep up the tradition as long as they will still wear mommy-made clothes.

Little Man's Easter outfit in 2011 - Picture by Studio A Photography

Princess's Easter dress in 2011
Easter outfits - 2012

Mega Stuf oreos...some may say it's overkill.  I say it's heaven.

Photo credit: The Impulsive Buy
This post is linked up at Not Inadequate.  Grab a button and link up too!

Random Monday

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Ainsleigh Layette Gown-New Release

Introducing the Ainsleigh Layette Gown pattern!  Layette gowns make diaper changes so easy, especially in the early months of a baby's life.  This one has elastic in the bottom of the gown so it can easily be pushed up, but doesn't work its way up while baby is kicking.

The pattern includes 9 pages of detailed, step-by-step instructions and measurements for adding the gown section to a purchased onesie along with options for embellishments. Sizes Newborn through 9 Months are included.  It's difficult rating is Beginner.

 The pattern can be purchased here.

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Monday Randoms - March 11, 2013

Last Monday afternoon, Princess "helped" me out by unbuckling the younger kids' carseats.  We'd taken Hubby's pick-up to town to run errands because our driveway was really slippery and it had taken me almost an hour to install the carseats in the back of the truck.  Nothing like having to re-install 2 carseats in the middle of town while the back of your coat blows up, your pants slide down (which is actually a good thing since it means I'm losing weight!) and the 2 year old messes up the settings in the truck.

It was a sad day on Tuesday.  Hubby let me sleep in since Star had had a rough time sleeping the night before (sleeping in was not the sad part, it was very happy).  However, I awoke to find that Princess and Little Man had discovered my secret chocolate stash and told Daddy about it.  So, not only did all three enjoy a delicious breakfast of Reese's peanut butter cups, but now I have to find a new hiding spot which won't be easy since the rest of my dear family is now aware that I have a secret chocolate stash and will be actively looking for it.

I've heard that there are babies who actually relax when they're eating.  Not Star.  She likes to practice her gymnastics routine while she's drinking her bottle.  In fact, sometimes, I think she uses more energy than she's taking in with the bottle.

Last night, I was awoken by Little Man crying that he was wet.  I stumbled into his room half asleep to be met with a bed full of puke.  Since Hubby was working the night shift, I'd let Princess sleep with me and Little Man sleep in Princess's vacated bed.  I stripped down the sheets, cleaned him up and changed him, and put him to sleep in his bed.  Not long after that, we repeated the process when he threw up all over his bed as well.  It was a fun night. *Insert sarcasm here*  This morning, I awoke to 2 extra loads of laundry, and an aching back which I apparently threw out while stripping the beds in the middle of the night.  Little Man is showing no signs of having been sick last night.  I, however, am hobbling around today half asleep.   

A gift for Star from a sweet lady in our church.  No really, she's literally the sweetest lady I know. Not sure we'll be hanging onto this bear for very long though.  It takes up more room than the kids.

Is it just me or is Star trying to say "Save me!" in this picture?
This post is linked up at Not Inadequate.  Grab a button and link up too!

Random Monday

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook" and follow me on Twitter!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Do You Have an Etsy Shop?

It seems like I spend a lot of time talking about my two Etsy shops here.  This post is not about my shops though, (see, no hyperlink this time!) it's about yours!

I'd love to see what you're making for your shop.  If you don't have an Etsy shop, but have one you love, link that up instead!  There are no rules for this linkup except that all links must be to a family-friendly Etsy shop.  You can enter more than one link.      

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  Please take a moment to "like" me on facebook" and follow me on Twitter!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

2 New Pattern Releases

I have my first two patterns up for sale in my pattern shop with more to follow soon!  There are two patterns in testing right now and another one that I'm currently writing.

Introducing the Emilie Ruffled Onesie!  It's perfect for summer or to pair with legwarmers for cooler weather.  The pattern can be found here for free!

Everyone needs a basic skirt pattern and this one has three different options! This is the Paige Basic Skirt pattern and it can be purchased here.

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