
Friday, April 5, 2013

2013 Ultimate Blog Party!

This is my first year joining the Ultimate Blog Party, and I'm so excited !  I love "meeting" other bloggers and finding new blogs to follow, as evidenced by my rather long "Following" list at Bloglovin.

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

If you're new to Supermommy!...Or Not, I'd like to introduce myself.  If you already know me (Hi, Mom!), feel free to skip over this next paragraph.

My name is Hannah.  I've been married for 6 years to my farming Hubby.  We have three beautiful (and sometimes unruly) children: Princess (5 years), Little Man (2 years), and our little surprise, Star (6 months).  When I'm not working at my primary job herding turtles and making little kids cry (aka, mothering), I spend my time behind the sewing machine creating children's clothing for my two shops, Annalie's Baby Boutique and Little Owl Patterns.  I love reading, writing (thus the blog), sewing, and wasting time on Pinterest.

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  I'd love for you to like me on facebook" and follow me on Twitter!


  1. Nice to meet you Hannah. I am a first time UBP partyer and glad to have found you. I"m amazed you have time to raise kids and make clothes and patterns for your shops. Glad to meet you and I"m a new follower via Bloglovin. Here's my Ultimate Blog Party post if you'd like to stop by.

  2. FYI- your pinterest link didn't work for me. I love Pinterest as well. let me know when you get it fixed and I'll be sure to follow you.

  3. Beautiful family!

    Stopping in from the party.

  4. Hi Hannah!Nice to meet~first time UBP goer here~love your site~hope you're enjoying the party:)

  5. I love the phrase herding turtles, that totally cracks me up! I love reading too!

    Visited today from UBP13 :o)

  6. Don't get this party thing, but I'm your biggest fan.

  7. Hi Hannah! I am stopping by from UBP13! I look forward to following your blog!

    Kurstin Sherman

    1. Thanks for stopping in! I'll be checking out your blog as well :)

  8. I'm already following you on twitter, but it's fun to discover your blog also! Party on :)

  9. Stopping by from UBP13.

    I also love reading, sewing and wasting time on Pinterest:) I'm looking forward to reading more!

  10. I’m late! I’m late! I’m stopping by from the UBP13. You have a darling family!! I hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk.


Thank you for your comment! I read and appreciate every one.