
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Between family get-togethers and Christmas programs, I feel like we've been celebrating Christmas all December.  We just have one more family Christmas right after New Years' and then we'll be done until next Christmas.

We went to The Farm for supper with my in-laws on Christmas Eve and the kids got to open their gifts from Great Grandma.  We stayed there way too late talking and eating Christmas goodies while the cousins played, watched movies, and ran around.  Star fell asleep in her great uncle's arms around 9 and slept almost until we were ready to head home.

The next morning, Hubby and I let the kids look in their stockings before we headed back down to The Farm for brunch.  I got each of them a Veggie Tales dvd, a Christmas ornament, a toy camera from the $5 bins at Target, and 1 other thing.  The cameras especially were a huge hit, and the kids just had to take them to The Farm with them to show them off to Grandma and Grandpa.  We stayed at The Farm until 4:30 and then came home to open gifts.  The kids were so excited and that was the fastest they've ever gotten ready to leave Grandma and Grandpa's house :)

Princess and Little Man needed twin size bedding for their bunk bed so I got them each a bedding set for Christmas.  Princess had been sleeping under a worn out unzipped toddler size sleeping bag and Little Man had been sleeping under a crib quilt, neither of which were big enough for them anymore.  I had been thinking about getting cute character bedding sets, but opted for sets that they could use for years to come instead.  Seriously, they were even more excited about the sets than I could have imagined they would be.  When Little Man opened his, he hugged it while screaming, "I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!!!"  Totally adorable :)  As soon as we got done unwrapping gifts, they begged me to make their beds so they could try out their new bedding and after supper, they wanted to go straight to bed.  Total Mom Win!

Hubby recently started drinking coffee at work and wanted to have the occasional cup at home too so I got him a Hamilton Beach single serve coffee machine with an assortment of K-Cups to try.  After we put the kids to bed, we sat down to eat our dinner of ham, mashed potatoes, and buttered green beans and then finished the evening with a cup of hot chocolate from the new coffee machine.  What a perfect way to end Christmas day :)    

Princess with her new bedding set

Little Man with his new bedding set

Here are the kids with their Christmas gifts and the gifts from their stockings...

In her stocking, Princess received a Doc McStuffins toy camera (Target), a doll ornament (Target), a "puppy in my pocket" marker (Scholastic), and a Veggie Tales dvd (Fleet Farm).  Her wrapped gifts were the bedding set (Walmart), a John Deere shirt (Zulily), and a John Deere backpack (Zulily)

In his stocking, Little Man received a Monsters University toy camera (Target), a hammer ornament (not pictured, Target), a Veggie Tales dvd (Fleet Farm), and First Stencil Cards (Barefoot Books).  His wrapped gifts were the bedding set (Walmart), a John Deere backpack (Zulily), and a tractor shirt (Etsy)

In her stocking, Star received a Disney Princess toy camera (Target), a Veggie Tales Dvd (Fleet Farm), a Princess Carriage book (Scholastic), and a Big Sister ornament (Etsy).  Her wrapped gifts were a John Deere backpack (Zulily), a Disney Princess ball (Target), and a Veggie Tales Christmas book (Sam's Club).

I hope your Christmas was as fun as ours!  Merry Christmas!

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