
Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 In Review

It's been a busy year for our family! 

In January, I wrote a freebie recap for 2012 (look for the 2013 version coming soon!)

In February, I wrote about how Little Man essentially potty trained himself which was totally awesome.  Star got her ankyloglossia clipped which wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be, and I gave moms permission to not enjoy every moment of parenting.  I also started a new business which was very exciting!

Princess turned 5 in January, and like a good blogging mom, I didn't write about it until March.  I also wrote a tutorial on how to applique

In April, I finally got my feelings about being accidentally Team Green figured out, then I wrote what turned out to be the most viewed post on my blog ever.  I also wrote about how to make your blog posts "pinnable." 

In May, I shared my secret to keeping kids from using too much toilet paper and also shared what it's really like to be a work-at-home-mom or WAHM.  I got ambitious and made up a summer bucket list which was a pretty pathetic failure for a reason I shared in August.  Also, the cutest little boy I know turned 3 in May!

In June, I wrote about how parenting is hard no matter where you are.  I also shared how I stopped the daily hair brushing battle with Princess (no, I didn't shave her head!)  

In July, I shared 10 rookie parenting mistakes that I still make. 

In August, I wrote about how to get your kids to clean up all their toys in 24 hours time.  I also wrote about a huge surprise that absolutely blew me away and how I chose to respond to it.  Then, I shared some commenting tips for bloggers and blog readers.

Staying true to my procrastination agenda, Star turned 1 in September and I didn't write about it until October.

In November, I wrote a tutorial on how to make your own personalized board book.  I also wrote a list of 30 random acts of kindness you can do with your children.

I finished the year out with a recipe for 3-ingredient oreo cheesecake truffles that are to die for.   

I'm getting tired out just reading over this post.  Time for a nap! 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a year! Gotta try the personalized board book soon - what a neat idea! :)

    Carly @


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