
Thursday, January 2, 2014

It Can Only Go Up From Here

So my New Year's Eve do I put this...awful.

I've mentioned before that I have asthma and it's not your run-of-the-mill asthma that's so common, it's the fun kind that controls almost every aspect of my life and is potentially fatal.  On top of that, I have Vocal Cord Dysfunction, a disease that is often mistaken for asthma, and Acid Reflux Disease, which triggers the VCD and causes my vocal cords to suddenly close up and cut off much of my air supply.  Also loads of fun to have.

So New Year's Eve, I stayed home with Star while Hubby took the 2 older kids to the New Year's Eve party at church.  That was the good part of the evening because I put her to bed and got to relax and enjoy the quiet before dozing off on couch.  The others got home around 12:30 am, and I helped Hubby put the kids to bed before we hit the hay ourselves.  Around 2:30 am, I woke up feeling nauseous.  That's how the VCD attacks usually start so I woke up pretty fast and got out of bed just in case.  Sure enough, about 5-10 minutes later, it hit and I couldn't breathe.  I started a nebtreatment although I know that asthma medication doesn't help a VCD attack.  It quickly progressed to the point where I couldn't talk and was starting to black out from lack of oxygen.  Hubby called the ambulance, and they transported me to the ER.  I was on oxygen the whole way there and by the time I got to the ER, I was doing much better.  They observed me and the baby for a few hours before discharging me.  Because Hubby had to stay home with the kids, his dad came up to pick me up from the ER and we arrived home at 6 am.  Thankfully, my awesome mom came over to spend the day at my house, and I was able to take a 3 hour nap during the afternoon and relax the rest of the day while she took care of the kids.

So with my new year starting off so terrible, it can only go up from here, right?  At least that's what I'm hoping! 



  1. Oh my goodness, how scary! I'm glad you're okay. I figure if your year started off like that, you certainly can look forward to it getting better from here :)

    1. Well, I AM having a baby in March so the promise of that improves my outlook on 2014 :)

  2. Hannah! Oh my gosh! How awful! How scary! I am glad you are okay. I hope that's the worst thing that happens to you in 2014 and the rest of the year is smooth sailing.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Well, seeing how I average one of these attacks a year, I can assume that I got 2014's non-breathing fun-ness out of the way, right? :)

    2. Gosh! that must have been scary. I feel for you and I hope it goes away. Thank goodness you have your parents to help out and of course your hubby.

    3. Yes, I'm very grateful to have family nearby to help out!

  3. How scary that must have been! I'm so glad you are okay and yes, I think if your New Year starts like that, then UP is the only way the rest of it can go. I have a feeling you're going to have a wonderful and amazing 2014!


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