
Monday, January 6, 2014

Random Monday - Jan 6, 2014

Hey, my first Random Monday post of 2014!  And, unfortunately, my first Random Monday post in a while.  I've been slacking off lately.

Yesterday at lunch, the ketchup bottle made an, ahem, rude noise when squeezed.  Without looking up from his plate or missing a beat and in complete seriousness, Little Man said, "That was me."

On Saturday, we braved the cold temps to drive several hours to my brother's house to celebrate our family Christmas.  It was a fun day and the kids really enjoyed playing with their cousins who they don't see very often.  We finally got to meet my brother's 4th baby and first son who was born in July.  Little Man was especially enthralled with the baby and when I called him over to introduce him to his new cousin who was sitting on my lap, he asked, "Is this the baby out of your tummy?"  Oh honey, if only it were that easy!  Later he wanted to know if we could "take that baby home with us."  He's going to be so awesome with his new baby brother or sister :)

Today, it's so cold here in Minnesota that the governor closed all the schools statewide.  Right now, we're showing a temperature of -15 F and -42 F windchills.  Since we're cooped up inside all day, I thought it was the perfect day to put together the kids' new cardboard playhouse they received as a gift from my mom on Saturday.  Princess got one of these for her birthday last year, and it was such a big hit and a perfect way to keep the kids from going stir crazy in the house all winter that I plan to make sure the kids get one every year to play with.  This one is from Hobby Lobby for $16.99, but you can also find a ton of cardboard playhouses that kids can color and play with on Amazon.  

Star's favorite way to get in and out of the house is headfirst through the window, despite the fact that there is a perfectly good door on either end of the house.

I love that mischievous little grin!

What's the weather like in your area today?


  1. Today we started out in the 50s, but by lunchtime it was in the 30s and tonight it is supposed to be in the single digits. Tomorrow will be our coldest day of the winter so far and high wind, too! I don't like cold!

    1. The 50s sound heavenly to me right now! I'd even settle for weather in the 30s :)

  2. It is rainy and about 35 here today but it is supposed to warm up to the 50's or 60's over the weekend--woohoo! I'm planning on opening a window or two. However, we had -10 actual temp on Monday and it was still in single digits on Tuesday morning as well.


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