
Monday, August 5, 2013


Princess has a secret she wants to share with you :)

Are you shocked?  You better believe I am!  I was pretty much positive that Star was going to be my last baby so this is an awesome surprise!

I'm incredibly a little freaked out because not only are Star and the new baby going to be only 17 months apart (I've always known that I wanted my kids at least 2 years apart in age), but this also means we're going to have to move.  I know I said that last time I was pregnant (wasn't that just last summer?), but this time we're really and truly out of space.  There's just no way to make our tiny 2 bedroom apartment work with 4 kids, naps, and Hubby's crazy work schedule that often requires him to sleep during the day.  Plus if we move, I will have more opportunities to make some extra money by babysitting during the week. 

During my last pregnancy, I let the stress of...everything and the negativity of others get to me, and I spent most of the pregnancy depressed, super stressed, and just downright miserable. 

That's not happening this time.

I choose to respond to this pregnancy with joy.
I choose to trust God.
I choose to be thankful that God has blessed us again even though that blessing comes with a great deal of responsibility. 

I choose to be joyful.

I found out I was pregnant on June 26th.  I took a test on a hunch, fully expecting it to be negative.  It didn't show a result right away, and I had to leave to get the kids to storyhour at the library so I tossed it in the garbage and we left.  A few hours later, we were home and the kids were eating lunch.  I'm not sure why, but I decided to pull the pregnancy test out of the garbage just to make sure it was still negative.

It wasn't.

I started crying with happiness, fear, excitement, etc.  Pretty much every emotion went through me in the first 10 minutes.  I told a private group I'm in on Facebook about the test because all of the ladies in the group are awesome and supportive and, most importantly, not local so I knew if I told them there wouldn't be any chances of anyone near me finding out :)  They advised me to take another test as it might be a false positive from sitting in the trash so long.  I took another test later that afternoon and... Bam!  Instantly two lines popped up.

I'm 10 weeks now and due on March 4th.  After what happened last time, I still intend to find out the gender at the ultrasound, but I'm not sure if I'm going to share the results with anyone else.

And just to finish this are a few other bloggers I follow who are also expecting!

Jenni from the Blog-She is also having her fourth baby and her third one is about the same age as Star.
Hormonal Imbalances
Proverbs and Pacifiers
Everything and Nothing From Essex
Tales of Beauty for Ashes
This Year's Love Will Last-Her pregnancy announcement video was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

Are you pregnant?  Just had a baby (anytime in the last year counts!)?  Have an awesome birth story (seriously, all birth stories are awesome so if you have one, it counts.)  Link up your blog!


  1. Congratulations!! Very happy and excited for you.

  2. Congrats!!! I have 5 kiddos!

    I love hearing about the new blessings that He keeps on giving!!!

    1. Thank you! I come from a family of 5 kids-it's a lot of fun! I love seeing people with big families because it's so rare nowadays.

  3. A big congrats to you!!! My first two babies were 19 months apart and it was hard, but with older kids to help, you can totally do it!

    1. Thank you! My oldest is already quite a big helper and Little Man is learning quickly so I know that will help a lot.

  4. OMG I am so happy for you! Congrats!

    We have been talking about having another BunkinBaby. I have the baby fever bad.

    I think Star is just a month younger than my daughter. I would say I'm going to read everything pregnancy related you post, but I already read all your posts. LOL.

    I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!

    1. Actually, both of our babies were born in September of 2012 so they're the same age :) If I'm having another baby, I say you should go for it too, lol.
      BTW, makes me happy to hear that you read all of my posts :) I read everything you post as well!

  5. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED LOL!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! :)

  6. that's great news! you will be busy, but so happy! and 17 months apart is close, but think of how great it will be for them as they grow older!! so exciting!!
    we found your blog through the mn blogger's site, and are so excited to find some great local bloggers!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It's always nice to see some other MN bloggers :)

  7. I am so thrilled for you! I am shocked but super excited! I must admit I am a little envious of big families ;0) you go girl, enjoy it all!

    1. Thanks! Ever since I was a little, I've always wanted at least 4 kids. I grew up in a family of 5 kids and knew I wanted that same awesome experience for my own kids. :)

  8. Congratulations! I'm expecting #4 and we live in a 2 bedroom house, so I understand about space! lol Many blessings to you!

    1. Thank you! Moving is a little scary for me since the last time we moved, I was expecting my 1st. This time, we'll have 3+ kids and a home based business to move so it'll be an adventure with lots and lots of boxes! But I'm really looking forward to finally having enough space :)

  9. Congrats! So excited for you!!! My two (soon to be three) are close together (15 mo and 14 mo). It's easy! Kind of {smile}. Linking up my pregnancy announcement. Can't wait to follow along with you. We're only a few weeks apart!

    1. I love the post you linked up! My mom had several kids close in age and she said it's hard at first, but you just do what you have to do each day and before you know it, it gets easier. Glad to hear someone else say the same thing :)

  10. Congrats! Hang in there! I'm sure everything is going to work out :) Love your outlook and ability to trust the Lord when it seems like a lot!


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