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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday Topics-8 Goals For the Month

Life. Love.Lauren

I know I'm a little late (like always...) to the party, but I thought this Tuesday Topics blog series looked like fun and would encourage me to write about things I wouldn't normally think of.

Since I'm late, I missed the first two Tuesday Topics in the list.  This week's Tuesday Topic is "Eight Goals for This Month."

1. Stick to my weight loss goals.

2. Write 2 more patterns for Little Owl Patterns and get them sent out for testing.

3. Finish at least a couple of those poor lonely blog posts that have been sitting in draft form for too long.

4. Print off the preschool pack for the kiddos to do this summer and do at least 2 other things from our Summer Bucket list.

5. Stick with the Flylady cleaning routine to keep my house under control and get out of C.H.A.O.S. (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)

6. Purge at least 5 areas on this list.

7. Make myself a skirt and another shirt.

8. Earn another five $5 Amazon gift cards on Swagbucks.  It would be really helpful to have an iPad for my business so I'm saving up my Amazon gift cards to buy one.

Thanks so much for visiting Supermommy!...Or Not.  I'd love for you to like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter!


  1. Awesome goals! And now I'm off to check off that fly lady site!

    Visiting from Tuesday Topics!


  2. Thanks for linking up! Can't wait to read more of your blog! I really wanna try Swagbucks!

    1. Swagbucks is definitely worth it! In this post (http://supermommyornot.blogspot.com/2013/01/2012-freebie-recap.html) you can see what I got for free in 2011 and 2012 with my amazon gift cards :)


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