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Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In Review

What a year this has been!  I started off 2012 by being incredibly crabby and hormonal and I found out why when I took a pregnancy test on Hubby's birthday although I didn't announce it on the blog until over a month later.  I also shared how I got Hubby a Wii for his birthday for only $20 out of pocket.

In April, I wrote a touching letter to my children which got a lot of attention from Pinterest readers.  I also witnessed a miracle that had me running to the grocery store.  At the end of April, I had my ultrasound that revealed the gender of the baby.

May was a rough month with lots of doctor visits and a brief scare concerning Little Man's heart.

In June, I "waxed eloquent" about the size of our family.  

In July, I answered some often-asked questions about my pregnancy and did so without biting anyone's head off.  It wasn't easy.

I talked about how writing this blog is bringing in the big bucks in August.

September was a busy month with the arrival of the new baby and the surprise of my life!  I also wrote about how the labor and delivery were pretty easy, but a little shot in the leg afterwards took me out.

Right after giving birth, I started the 2012 31 Days blog series about simplifying your life which was a lot of fun.                 

In December, I published my 300th blog post!  

It's been a good year and I can't wait to see what 2013 brings.  I'm planning to redo my blog and come up with a fresh design and I'm also in the process of opening a new shop selling pdf patterns for the clothing I make.

What new and exciting things are you anticipating in 2013? 

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Real Christmas Miracle

With so much violence going on this Christmas season, it's especially refreshing to hear something positive. 

This video aired on the 700 Club on Christmas Day.  I've met this woman before and I grew up with quite a few members of her family.  She lives only 45 minutes away from me and I remember this happening last year.  It brings tears to my eyes everytime I hear about it. 

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Every Morning

We've had the same conversation every morning since I wrapped the presents to put under the tree.

Little Man *picking up a present and shaking it*: "Now open presents?"

Me: "Not yet.  It's not Christmas."

Little Man *wistfully putting the present back under the tree*: "Nope, not yet. Pretty soon!"

Me: "That's right!"

Little Man *picking the present back up hopefully*: "Now open presents?"

Me: "Not until next week."

This continues on for a good 10 minutes before he finally gives up and goes to play.

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Friday, December 14, 2012


Maybe it's because I had just dropped my four year old off at preschool when I heard the news that so many children were killed today in the school shooting in Connecticut.  Maybe it's because I have three precious little ones who mean the world to me.  Maybe it's knowing that so many parents are going through unimaginable pain due to the loss of their children.  Maybe it's the fact that so many innocent children were exposed to unspeakable violence today.  

Whatever it was, the news that a man had killed over 20 innocent children and adults in an elementary school hit me hard.  I spent most of the afternoon watching the news, checking the internet for updates, hugging my babies, and crying.

I just can't even imagine.  I kept picturing my sweet little girl in a situation like that at her school and it tore me apart.  I've never been so eager to pick her up from preschool as I was today.

As I was putting my kids to bed tonight, it really hit me.  There are parents tonight who won't get to tuck their little ones in and kiss them goodnight because they're gone.  They will go home to empty bedrooms and Christmas gifts that will never be opened.  There are other parents who will be soothing  nightmares and children afraid to go to sleep tonight.

Things like this make you appreciate your family more.  I'd like to end this post with some pictures of my family who mean so much to me. 

Princess decorating the tree

My dad with Star (that's me and my mom in the background)

Beautiful smiles

My grandma with Star

Little Man playing with my baby sister
Spend some extra time this holiday season enjoying time with your family.  You will never get that time back, and you never know when it will be your last chance.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Virtual Cookie Exchange

I love trying out new cookie recipes this time of year.  Do you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share?  The recipes don't have to be cookies, any dessert will do!  Link it up below!

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Random Happiness

Here are a few things that make me happy right now:

Little Debbie's Cherry Cordials-yum yum!

Our new Christmas tree!  Our old one was a dinky Charlie Brownish $20 tree from Walmart. Out landlady was downsizing to a small tree and gave us hers.  Notice how all the candy canes are front and center?  I let the kids hang them on the tree :)

I've seriously watched this video about 15 times already.  Best proprosal ever!

Our Christmas card picture.  Star's expression cracks me up everytime I look at it.

A much better picture of my littlest cutie!

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Family Time

This week, I finally got the chance to introduce Star to all three of my grandparents.  They all live several hours away so it was an all-day trip.  Hubby had to work so he couldn't come, but thankfully, my parents and younger sister joined us so I didn't have to handle all three munchkins on my own.

First, we met my dad's mom, his sister, and her husband (my grandma, aunt, and uncle) at Ikea for lunch (and shopping, of course!)  I could spend days in that place so I made sure to pick up a catalog for drooling over browsing at home. 

Clockwise around the table: Little Man, my mom, my dad, Princess, my aunt, my grandma feeding Star a bottle.

Little Man enjoyed an elderflower juicebox with his lunch.

Little Man preferred to hang out in the kids' section rather than join "the girls" for shopping.
After hugs all around, we packed into the van again and headed over to my mom's parents' condo for the afternoon.

Little Man and Princess coloring at the dining room table.

Princess was so proud of her picture.

Showing her artwork off to "Meemah".

Nostalgia-when I was a kid staying with my grandparents, I loved to listen to my grandparents' grandfather clock chime and watch my grandpa wind it every night before bed.  Unfortunately, it stopped working a few years ago.

My grandma's killer spoon collection from my grandparents' travels.  Someday, I hope to have a collection this big!

I was thrilled to receive some swaddling blankets for Star from my aunt when we met her at Ikea.  She hand crochets the edges of a full yard of flannel to make these blankets.  The blankets are lightweight and big enough for swaddling even older babies.  She always makes 2 identical blankets for each niece or nephew which means that when one is in the wash, there's a spare.  My older two children still sleep with and treasure theirs.  Definitely a keepsake for years to come!

Star loves being swaddled!

My aunt let me pick out my own flannel fabric for these blankets and I fell in love with this argyle owl print.

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